Pune - The unprecedented nationwide lockdown to fight the corona virus outbreak, led to temporary closing of educational institutions across the country from mid-March 2020 onwards, disrupting the ongoing academic and other developmental activities in the campuses.
Sinhgad Institutes, one of the largest education conglomerates in India, established in 1993, with an enviable legacy of over 27 years in academic excellence, took the challenge on a positive footing, deriving the best out of the situation.
Comprising of over 85 colleges, 26 schools, spread across 12 campuses, mostly in and around Pune, Lonavala, Mumbai, Kondhapuri, Pandharpur, Solapur and Kamlapur.
In these campuses providing education to about 90,000 students, in numerous streams ranging from Engineering, Management, Commerce, Science, Pharmacy, Law & Education, Architecture, Hotel Management & Health Sciences , the challenge was herculean.
Under the inspiring leadership of Prof. M. N. Navale, the Founder President, supported by Dr. (Mrs.) SunandaNavale, Founder Secretary, RachanaNavaleAshtekar, Vice President Administration and RohitNavale Vice President HR, the vision was very clear, learning never stops whatever be the situation.
The immediate priority was to continue education activities with a strong student connect through each and every faculty. Dr. A.V. Deshpande, Campus Director Vadgaon-Ambegaon Campus and Principal Smt. KashibaiNavale College of Engineering, Dr. M.S. Gaikwad, Campus Director Lonavala and Principal Sinhgad Institute of Technology,
Dr. S.D. Lokhande, Principal Sinhgad College of Engineering, Vadgaon and Dr. V.V. Dixit, Director RMD Sinhgad Technical Institutes Campus Warje, Pune rolled out a detailed work plan.
Effectively tapping the IT infrastructure, they evolved suitable guidelines for conduct of online classes, keeping in mind to maintain the decorum and sanctity of the teaching-learning environment.
It was a 360 degree plan that facilitated the engineering and management students to complete their course work for the current academic year, preparing them to develop a cutting edge the in the knowledge intensive and technology driven future that awaits them.
The online classes were short and crisp of 30 to 35 minutes which each faculty maintaining subject wise folders to record the attendance and frequency of the classes. The sessions were uploaded in respective folders and shared with students for reference at their convenience.
A core team at the centre closely monitored the online conduct of classes and other academic activities. Mock Tests, Question Papers and assignments were shared using Google classrooms.
Google and Whats App platforms were used to ensure connectivity. There were challenges of internet connectivity and technical issues which were easily overcome. The assignments and results of tests were promptly evaluated and the students were updated on their performance, keeping them on their toes. Guidance for Project work were given and project reviews were also done by concerned faculty.
As Sinhgad Institutes is renowned for academic research, the lockdown period was utilized by many of the faculty members in research by contributing valuable articles to reputed research journals in compliance with the directives issued by Dr. A.V. Deshpande, Dr. M.S. Gaikwad, Dr. S.D. Lokhande and Dr. V.V. Dixit, being part of their plan for best utilization of the lockdown period for academic development.
The faculty took up all their online sessions with great interest and the students reciprocated by absorbing the learnings with gusto and excitement. The online sessions had 95 per cent attendance clearly indicating the success of these sessions.
The online sessions were made exciting with many guest lectures from industry and other experts in addition to the regular classroom sessions. There were also webinar sessions with experts guiding the students on current and future industry requirements that could provide excellent career opportunities.
All the sessions had active participation with students clearing their doubts during Question Answer sessions. The virtual learning environment was highly appreciated by the students as well as parents, as the students could effectively utilize the lockdown period while staying safe in their homes.