International Coffee Day: An ode to Lorelai Gilmore and her favourite brew

Troy Dyer's (Ethan Hawke) advice to Lelaina Pierce (Winona Ryder) in the 1994 dramedy Reality Bites is actually quite sound. Sometimes all we do need is a cup of coffee -- and a little bit of conversation. And the pop culture figure who screams 'caffeine addict' has to be Lorelai Gilmore! On International Coffee Day, let's explore why fans of this beloved beverage see a kindred soul in this iconic character from the show Gilmore Girls.

One of the best things about this brewtiful concoction is that it's the perfect stimulant for conversation. And Lorelai has plenty at her adda -- Luke's Diner. The 32-year-old single mother played by Lauren Graham lives in the small town of Stars Hollow, Connecticut, with her intellectual teenage daughter Rory (Alexis Bledel). The dramedy centres around the relationship of this mother-daughter duo who are known for their witty banter and immense love for coffee.

Lorelai's insane obsession with coffee resonates with many. Moksha Garg says her mornings cannot start without a cup of joe. "I’ve always been a coffeeholic without shame. One fictional character that I relate to for this drink is Lorelai Gilmore from Gilmore Girls. She’s THE coffee addict that I associate with in every episode. One of my favourite quotes of hers is “I like coffee, only with my oxygen.” I don’t think anything else can top that," shares the Bengaluru-based writer.

My own favourite Lorelai quote is "Coffee please, and a shot of cynicism." It's a whole mood, especially in today's world with a lot of folks (myself included) being the cynics as well as mud junkies that they are. Truth be told, sometimes I start my day with a lot of groaning, whining, swearing and two cups of brew. Yes, two, one of which is usually some sort of crappy blend made by yours truly and the second is none other than my beloved filter kaapi.

Another Bangalorean Harshitha Venkatraman's favourite Lorelai Gilmore quote happens to be, "This is a jumbo coffee morning. I need coffee in an I.V." Harshita opens up about how she has always grown around the smell of filter coffee at home, with the aroma being the first thing she woke up to. "I've always liked coffee although my parents refused to let me have it until I was about 14-15. When I first started drinking coffee, I would usually have about 1-2 coffees per day although it was mostly just one. Now it's at least three and often more," said Harshita, adding that she's definitely a different person without her morning jolt, and another entire personality altogether after having a quick fix.

Anjitha Eldho, who works in a PR firm, confirms this notion by citing examples of how memes depicting people before and after coffee are so relevant in her case. Asked about her first time trying coffee, Anjitha explained that the shift coincided with the transition from childhood to adulthood. "As kids, we used to have malt-based drinks like Boost, Horlicks and Bournvita but once we became adults, we tried new beverages like black tea, black coffee etc. And when I started consuming tea and coffee, I realised that I liked the latter more due to its taste," she shared.

Now, it's not just Lorelai who has all the killer lines relating to coffee. Her daughter Rory's "Flirt with him now, we need coffee" dialogue still cracks Anjitha up whenever it pops up on her Insta feed.

Life happens but coffee helps -- be it an Americano or South India's famous filter coffee. Whatever the concoction, connoisseurs are willing to go to any extent to declare their love for it. And none more so than Lorelai who famously said, "If it was physically possible to make love to a hot beverage, this would be the one!"

from Food

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